Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I'm on a boat

No, I'm not. I'm on a train. Booooring, I know. Slept four hours, then took the first tram on the schedule, right after sunrise. The rest was a slightly crazy chain reaction: local train, Thalys, Eurostar. Netherlands, Belgium, France, UK. Now the good part is: I'll arrive at 10am local time! Just enough time to check in, eat, sleep siesta, maybe watch some basketball on the telly, have 5pm tea, and take a walk through Hyde Park to the see the first highlight: Brazil-Russia, volleyball men. Long story short: busy bee!

Of course I'm surrounded by a bunch of Dutch people so extremely orange it could present a health hazard, weren't my eyes properly trained over the last six years. 15 sleepy people in total, starring a family of five (the girls are 6, 6, and 2 years old!) and three guys offering me half of their tickets for my Athletics 100m men's final. I think I'll wait until they offer all their tickets and half a kingdom - should be any minute now!

Yep, I've decided: from now on, should I meet anybody I don't particularly like, I'll just ask them what they're doing on the 5th. Then I'll casually explain it's the third time in the row I'm gonna see that race. And that the Queen* will probably be there.

* - note to self: depending on the victim audience, substitute by Michelle Obama, Roger Federer, or Justin Bieber. Whichever is most likely to make them burst into tears. Muahahahaha!


UPDATE: the above was written 18 hours ago. Did manage to sleep a bit and then watch my very first event! I'd even give you more details on first impressions and on how to say 'loser' in Russian, but it's probably been the longest day of my life. And tomorrow I'm outta town the whole day watching the cycling, so be patient. Good night, and good luck!

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