Friday, June 24, 2011


Well, at least that's the short version. Out of 42289 tickets I've asked for, I've been assigned... three. Yay. Not. I'm not sure whether it's because so many people have applied, or so many tickets have been made available through the official website, or I've been very unlucky. Anybody with similar experience out there?

Anyway, I'm going to see weight-lifting 85kg on 3.08, athletics on the 5.08 (starring Usain Bolt in the 100m final!), and one men's handball semifinal on 10.08. Now comes the tough part - somehow filling the gaps between those three - let's see how that goes. Looks like an uphill battle at the moment, considering that the official website can't offer me much more, the national Olympic Committee of the country where I reside requires local nationality (no can do), and the one where I originate from raised all prices by 30% and can't really offer anything special either... I'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Almost there

I'll know it very very soon! In the meantime, kinda managed to talk a couple of people into joining me in case I succeed in renting a flat big enough for hosting visitors. Speaking of which - no progress on the apartment front so far. So if only you know a Londoner who doesn't like sports/noise/traffic, and thus plans to escape during the Olympics and rent out his/her flat for that period, let me know!